Employment Form Your Information Your name * Address * City * State * Zipcode * Telephone * Email * Eligibility Are you 18 of older? * YesNo Are you either a U.S. citizen or an alien authorized to work in the U.S.? * YesNo Can you perform the physical requirements of the job? * YesNo Have you been convicted of a felony in the last seven years? (Optional) YesNo If yes, please explain (optional) Position Position(s) Applying For * Which of Our Locations Are You Interested In? * Date Available To Start Days And Times Available * Full-timePart-timeTemporaryWeekdaysWeekendsMorningsDaysEvenings Why do you want to work at the Baltimore Coffee and Tea? * We are a service-oriented business. Please describe what great customer service looks like to you. * Please describe the best job you have ever had, and why it was great. Educational Background * Most Recent Employer Employer Name * Address * City * Employer Telephone * Supervisor * Telephone * Still working for this employer? * YesNo Date Hired * Date Left * Job Title * Work Performed * Hourly Salary Rate * Reason for Leaving * Resume PDF Cover Letter PDF